The world of Go Pure

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Will you join Go Pure 25? 

More than a diet, a lifestyle

An online platform from Pascale Naessens, it is designed for anyone who wants to learn about the latest health insights. The program focuses not only on nutrition, but also on exercise and mindset, helping participants to make healthier choices in an accessible way. It is the ideal start to boost your motivation
Go Pure runs from the end of September, registration starts in July.

What to expect.

1. Healthy and simple nutrition

  • Focus on pure, unprocessed ingredients
  • Tasty, nutritious recipes for an entire week, without counting calories
  • Based on Mediterranean cuisine and scientifically based

2. Movement that suits you

  • Practical and achievable exercises suitable for every level
  • No intense sports schedules, but natural and functional movement
  • Expert exercises to improve strength and flexibility

3. The power of mindset 

  • Inspiring interviews with scientists, doctors and coaches
  • Insights on how small changes can have a big effect
  • Tools to maintain a healthy lifestyle without stress

4. Community & support 

  • You are not alone. Through the platform, you can share experiences with other participants and receive guidance from Pascale and her team.
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Who is Go Pure for?

Go Pure is for anyone who wants to invest in a healthy and conscious lifestyle. Whether you want to get fitter, eat healthier or just have more energy, the program offers a realistic and sustainable approach.

Interviews with top experts


Psychiatrist Dirk De Wachter

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Investigative journalist Eva Kestemont

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Neurologist Steven Laureys

Professor of gynecology Herman Depypere

Professor of gynecology Herman Depypere

Respiratory coach Veerle Dobbelaere

Respiratory coach Veerle Dobbelaere

Dietician and orthomolecular therapist Florence Vanneste

Dietician and orthomolecular therapist Florence Vanneste

Osteopath Lieselot Theys

Osteopath Lieselot Theys

Some fine reactions to Go Pure 2024


"I'm totally into the whole program. I've already listened to every master class and am going to listen to them all again, that's how good I think they are. And in terms of food, I'm totally on board too. Think I finally left with your cookbooks that have been sitting here on the shelf for years. Thank you!"


"It's the first year I've participated and I think it's super. I already knew the recipes are super but I find the lectures so interesting! Every night I look forward to learning again!"