Bavarois of peaches and dried apricots
Preparation: 50 min.

Bavarois of peaches and dried apricots

From Echt Eten

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About this recipe

This is one of my most beautiful and delicious creations.

Ingredients for

0.75 peach
1.5 peaches
2.25 peaches
3 peaches
3.75 peaches
4.5 peaches
5.25 peaches
6 peaches
6.75 peaches
7.5 peaches
25 g mascarpone
50 g mascarpone
75 g mascarpone
100 g mascarpone
125 g mascarpone
150 g mascarpone
175 g mascarpone
200 g mascarpone
225 g mascarpone
250 g mascarpone
0.5 g agar agar
1 g agar agar
1.5 g agar agar
2 g agar agar
2.5 g agar agar
3 g agar agar
3.5 g agar agar
4 g agar agar
4.5 g agar agar
5 g agar agar
25 g pistachios
50 g pistachios
75 g pistachios
100 g pistachios
125 g pistachios
150 g pistachios
175 g pistachios
200 g pistachios
225 g pistachios
250 g pistachios
1.25 dates
2.5 dates
3.75 dates
5 dates
6.25 dates
7.5 dates
8.75 dates
10 dates
11.25 dates
12.5 dates
0.25 handful of pistachios
0.5 handful of pistachios
0.75 handful of pistachios
1 handful of pistachios
1.25 handfuls of pistachios
1.5 handfuls of pistachios
1.75 handfuls of pistachios
2 handfuls of pistachios
2.25 handfuls of pistachios
2.5 handfuls of pistachios
1 apricot, dried
2 apricots, dried
3 apricots, dried
4 abrikozen, gedroogd
5 apricots, dried
6 apricots, dried
7 apricots, dried
8 apricots, dried
9 apricots, dried
10 apricots, dried
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals
rose petals

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Grind the pistachios together with the dates. Line the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper. Spoon the nut mixture on top and press well. Place in the refrigerator.
Cut the peaches into small pieces (see tip). Grind the dried apricots. Stew them together with the peaches for about five minutes until soft.
Mix the mascarpone with the agaragar and add to the peaches. Bring to a boil and simmer gently for 2 minutes while stirring well.
Pour the mixture into the springform pan and refrigerate for 20 minutes or so.
Remove the bavarois from the springform pan and top with the pistachios and rose petals. This is one of my most beautiful and delicious creations 🙂 .

Tip: peeling peaches
I prefer not to peel fruits, vegetables and herbs because it is precisely in the skin and just below it that the concentrations of fiber, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances are often found. It's good to cut the peach pieces small, though, because large pieces of skin can be tough and that's not nice when eating the bavarois. Small pieces also give a nice texture.

Tip: agaragar
Agaragar comes from algae and releases its jelly-like structure when cooked. It has been used in Asia for much longer. It is an easy, practical and vegetarian alternative to gelatin. You can find it in health food stores. Moreover, you need very little of it. So dosage is important, otherwise it takes away too much of the flavor of the dish.

"This is one of my most beautiful and delicious creations."

bavarois peach large
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