Brandade of cod with celeriac
Preparation: 35 min.

Brandade of cod with celeriac

From Puur & Lichter

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Ingredients for

200 g cod fillets
400 g cod fillets
600 g cod fillets
800 g cod fillets
1 kg cod fillet
1.2 kg cod fillets
1.4 kg cod fillets
1.6 kg cod fillets
1.8 kg cod fillets
2 kg of cod fillets
3 cloves of garlic
6 cloves of garlic
9 cloves of garlic
12 cloves of garlic
15 cloves of garlic
18 cloves of garlic
21 cloves of garlic
24 cloves of garlic
27 cloves of garlic
30 teentjes knoflook
0.5 celeriac
1 celeriac
1.5 celeriac
2 celeriac
2.5 celeriac
3 celeriac
3.5 celeriac
4 celeriac
4.5 celeriac
5 celeriac
0.5 bushel thyme, fresh
1 bunch of thyme, fresh
1.5 bunches thyme, fresh
2 bussels tijm, vers
2.5 bushels of thyme, fresh
3 bunches of thyme, fresh
3.5 bunches thyme, fresh
4 bunches of thyme, fresh
4.5 bunches of thyme, fresh
5 bunches of thyme, fresh
1.25 dl fish stock
2.5 dl fish stock
3.75 dl fish stock
5 dl fish stock
6.25 dl fish stock
7.5 dl fish stock
8.75 dl fish stock
1 l fish stock
1.13 l fish stock
1.25 l fish stock

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About this recipe

Deliciously creamy celeriac puree.

You can read the full recipe on page 158 from Puur & Lichter

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Puur & Lichter

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