Chocolate with nuts
Preparation: 30 min.

Ingredients for

100 g chocolate, 70%
200 g chocolate, 70%
300 g chocolate, 70%
400 g chocolate, 70%
500 g chocolate, 70%
600 g chocolate, 70%
700 g chocolate, 70%
800 g chocolate, 70%
900 g chocolate, 70%
1 kg of chocolate, 70%
125 g nuts, mixed
250 g nuts, mixed
375 g nuts, mixed
500 g nuts, mixed
625 g nuts, mixed
750 g nuts, mixed
875 g nuts, mixed
1 kg of nuts, mixed
1.13 kg of nuts, mixed
1.25 kg of nuts, mixed

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About this recipe

A delicious chocolate to accompany coffee or tea.

You can read the full recipe on page 213 from Puur & Lichter

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Puur & Lichter

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