Abundance of vegetables
Preparation: 45 min.

Ingredients for

0.5 onion, red
1 onion, red
1.5 onions, red
2 onions, red
2.5 onions, red
3 onions, red
3.5 onions, red
4 onions, red
4.5 onions, red
5 onions, red
5 vine tomatoes
10 vine tomatoes
15 vine tomatoes
20 vine tomatoes
25 vine tomatoes
30 vine tomatoes
35 vine tomatoes
40 vine tomatoes
45 vine tomatoes
50 vine tomatoes
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
thyme, fresh
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
0.5 bulb of garlic
1 bulb of garlic
1.5 bulbs of garlic
2 bulbs of garlic
2.5 bulbs of garlic
3 bulbs of garlic
3.5 bulbs of garlic
4 bulbs of garlic
4.5 bulbs of garlic
5 bulbs of garlic
0.5 zucchini
1 zucchini
1.5 zucchini
2 zucchinis
2.5 zucchini
3 zucchinis
3.5 zucchini
4 zucchinis
4.5 zucchini
5 zucchinis
0.5 bell bell pepper
1 bell bell pepper
1.5 peppers
2 peppers
2.5 peppers
3 peppers
3.5 peppers
4 peppers
4.5 peppers
5 peppers
0.5 fennel
1 fennel
1.5 fennels
2 fennels
2.5 fennels
3 fennels
3.5 fennels
4 fennels
4.5 fennels
5 fennels

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About this recipe

Ideal at a bbq: no work and still super lots of vegetables.

You can read the full recipe on page 48 from Puur Genieten 1

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This is a recipe from

Puur Genieten 1

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