Cooked pumpkin with bacon
Preparation: 45 min.

Cooked pumpkin with bacon

From Puur & Lichter

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Ingredients for

0.5 butternut
1 butternut
1.5 butternut
2 butternut
2.5 butternut
3 butternut
3.5 butternut
4 butternut
4.5 butternut
5 butternut
2 slices of breakfast bacon
4 slices of breakfast bacon
6 slices of breakfast bacon
8 slices of breakfast bacon
10 slices of breakfast bacon
12 slices of breakfast bacon
14 slices of breakfast bacon
16 slices of breakfast bacon
18 slices of breakfast bacon
20 slices of breakfast bacon

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About this recipe

A snack that makes everyone happy.

You can read the full recipe on page 127 from Puur & Lichter

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This is a recipe from

Puur & Lichter

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