Chicken with pumpkin and tomatoes
Preparation: 45 min.

Chicken with pumpkin and tomatoes

From Puur Genieten 2

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Ingredients for

100 g vine tomatoes
200 g vine tomatoes
300 g vine tomatoes
400 g vine tomatoes
500 g vine tomatoes
600 g vine tomatoes
700 g vine tomatoes
800 g vine tomatoes
900 g of vine tomatoes
1 kg of vine tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic
8 cloves of garlic
12 cloves of garlic
16 cloves of garlic
20 cloves of garlic
24 cloves of garlic
28 cloves of garlic
32 cloves of garlic
36 cloves of garlic
40 cloves of garlic
1 chicken leg
2 chicken drumsticks
3 chicken legs
4 chicken drumsticks
5 chicken legs
6 chicken drumsticks
7 chicken legs
8 chicken drumsticks
9 chicken legs
10 chicken drumsticks
4 bay leaves
8 bay leaves
12 bay leaves
16 bay leaves
20 bay leaves
24 bay leaves
28 bay leaves
32 bay leaves
36 bay leaves
40 bay leaves
200 g pumpkin
400 g pumpkin
600 g pumpkin
800 g pumpkin
1 kg pumpkin
1.2 kg pumpkin
1.4 kg pumpkin
1.6 kg pumpkin
1.8 kg pumpkin
2 kg pumpkin

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So simple and so delicious ...

You can read the full recipe on page 158 from Puur Genieten 2

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Puur Genieten 2

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