Crispy nuts-and-seeds bar
Preparation: 30 min.

Ingredients for

75 g nuts and seeds
150 g nuts and seeds
225 g nuts and seeds
300 g nuts and seeds
375 g nuts and seeds
450 g nuts and seeds
525 g nuts and seeds
600 g nuts and seeds
675 g nuts and seeds
750 g nuts and seeds
15 g coconut flakes
30 g coconut flakes
45 g coconut flakes
60 g coconut flakes
75 g coconut flakes
90 g coconut flakes
105 g coconut flakes
120 g coconut flakes
135 g coconut flakes
150 g coconut flakes
4 apricots, dried
8 apricots, dried
12 apricots, dried
16 abrikozen, gedroogd
20 apricots, dried
24 apricots, dried
28 apricots, dried
32 apricots, dried
36 apricots, dried
40 apricots, dried
0.5 protein
1 protein
1.5 proteins
2 proteins
2.5 proteins
3 proteins
3.5 proteins
4 proteins
4.5 proteins
5 proteins

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About this recipe

Everyone likes these bars and they are also convenient to take with you. Do not hesitate to make them, it is very easy.

You can read the full recipe on page 162 from Ik eet zo graag

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Ik eet zo graag

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