Love Chocolates
Preparation: 35 min.

Ingredients for

50 g chocolade, 70%
100 g chocolate, 70%
150 g chocolate, 70%
200 g chocolate, 70%
250 g chocolate, 70%
300 g chocolate, 70%
350 g chocolate, 70%
400 g chocolate, 70%
450 g chocolate, 70%
500 g chocolate, 70%
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible
petals, edible

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About this recipe

These love chocolates tempt everyone and are a lot of fun to make! Head outside and look for edible petals. There are many more than you think.

You can read the full recipe on page 186 from Echt Eten

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Echt Eten

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