Mousse of avocado and cocoa
Preparation: 7 min.

Ingredients for

0.5 avocado
1 avocado
1.5 avocados
2 avocados
2.5 avocados
3 avocados
3.5 avocados
4 avocados
4.5 avocados
5 avocados
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
4 tablespoons of cocoa powder
5 tablespoons of cocoa powder
6 tablespoons of cocoa powder
7 tablespoons of cocoa powder
8 tablespoons of cocoa powder
9 tablespoons of cocoa powder
10 tablespoons of cocoa powder
3 dates
6 dates
9 dates
12 dates
15 dates
18 dates
21 dates
24 dates
27 dates
30 dates

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About this recipe

A delicious dessert in seven minutes!

You can read the full recipe on page 206 from Puur & Lichter

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Puur & Lichter

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