Omelet with red onion, tomatoes and cheese
Preparation: 22 min.

Omelet with red onion, tomatoes and cheese

From Super Simpel

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Ingredients for

2 eggs
4 eggs
6 eggs
8 eggs
10 eggs
12 eggs
14 eggs
16 eggs
18 eggs
20 eggs
0.5 onion, red
1 onion, red
1.5 onions, red
2 onions, red
2.5 onions, red
3 onions, red
3.5 onions, red
4 onions, red
4.5 onions, red
5 onions, red
5 cherry tomatoes
10 cherry tomatoes
15 cherry tomatoes
20 cherry tomatoes
25 cherry tomatoes
30 cherry tomatoes
35 cherry tomatoes
40 cherry tomatoes
45 cherry tomatoes
50 cherry tomatoes
2 slices of cheese
4 slices of cheese
6 slices of cheese
8 slices of cheese
10 slices of cheese
12 slices of cheese
14 slices of cheese
16 slices of cheese
18 slices of cheese
20 slices of cheese

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About this recipe

The red onion looks burnt but certainly isn't: it just turns deep red, resembling black.

You can read the full recipe on page 30 from Super Simpel

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Super Simpel

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