Pear with gorgonzola in the oven
Preparation: 25 min.

Ingredients for

1.5 pears
3 pears
4.5 pears
6 pears
7,5 pears
9 pears
10,5 pears
12 pears
13.5 pears
15 pears
100 g g gorgonzola
200 g g gorgonzola
300 g g gorgonzola
400 g g gorgonzola
500 g g gorgonzola
600 g g gorgonzola
700 g g gorgonzola
800 g g gorgonzola
900 g g gorgonzola
1 kg gorgonzola
0.5 handful of pecans
1 handful of pecans
1.5 handfuls of pecans
2 handfuls of pecans
2.5 handfuls of pecans
3 handfuls of pecans
3.5 handfuls of pecans
4 handfuls of pecans
4.5 handfuls of pecans
5 handfuls of pecans
3 sprigs of thyme, fresh
6 sprigs of thyme, fresh
9 sprigs of thyme, fresh
12 sprigs of thyme, fresh
15 sprigs of thyme, fresh
18 sprigs of thyme, fresh
21 sprigs of thyme, fresh
24 sprigs of thyme, fresh
27 sprigs of thyme, fresh
30 sprigs of thyme, fresh

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About this recipe

These are one of those delicious little dishes that always go down well. Perhaps the natural sweetness of pear has something to do with it.

You can read the full recipe on page 64 from Super Simpel

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Super Simpel

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