Pomelo salad
Preparation: 28 min.

Ingredients for

0.15 pomelo
0.3 pomelo
0.45 pomelo
0.6 pomelo
0.75 pomelo
0.9 pomelo
1.05 pomelos
1,2 pomelos
1.35 pomelos
1.5 pomelos
5 king prawns
10 king prawns
15 king prawns
20 king prawns
25 king prawns
30 king prawns
35 king prawns
40 king prawns
45 king prawns
50 king prawns
0.25 kohlrabi
0.5 kohlrabi
0.75 kohlrabi
1 kohlrabi
1.25 kohlrabi
1.5 kohlrabi
1.75 kohlrabi
2 kohlrabi
2.25 kohlrabi
2.5 kohlrabi
0.25 avocado
0.5 avocado
0.75 avocado
1 avocado
1.25 avocados
1.5 avocados
1.75 avocados
2 avocados
2,25 avocados
2.5 avocados
0.5 shallot
1 shallot
1,5 sjalotten
2 shallots
2.5 shallots
3 shallots
3.5 shallots
4 shallots
4.5 shallots
5 shallots
15 g peanuts
30 g peanuts
45 g peanuts
60 g peanuts
75 g peanuts
90 g peanuts
105 g peanuts
120 g peanuts
135 g peanuts
150 g peanuts
0.5 handful of cilantro, fresh
1 handful of cilantro, fresh
1.5 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
2 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
2.5 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
3 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
3.5 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
4 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
4.5 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
5 handfuls of cilantro, fresh
0.5 lime
1 lime
1.5 limes
2 limes
2.5 limes
3 limes
3.5 limes
4 limes
4.5 limes
5 limes

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About this recipe

This preparation is based on the pomelo salad I often ate while traveling in Thailand. Refreshing and surprisingly delicious!

You can read the full recipe on page 44 from Echt Eten

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This is a recipe from

Echt Eten

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