Rose Ice
Preparation: 135 min.

Ingredients for

1.25 tablespoons of rose water
2.5 tablespoons of rose water
3.75 tablespoons of rose water
5 tablespoons of rose water
6.25 tablespoons of rose water
7,5 eetlepels rozenwater
8.75 tablespoons of rose water
10 tablespoons of rose water
11.25 tablespoons of rose water
12.5 tablespoons of rose water
0.25 rose, edible
0.5 rose, edible
0.75 rose, edible
1 rose, edible
1.25 roses, edible
1.5 roses, edible
1.75 roses, edible
2 roses, edible
2.25 roses, edible
2.5 roses, edible
5 cl yogurt, full
1 dl yogurt, full
1.5 dl yogurt, full
2 dl yogurt, full
2.5 dl yogurt, full
3 dl yogurt, full
3.5 dl yogurt, full
4 dl yogurt, full
4.5 dl yogurt, full
5 dl yogurt, full
2.5 cl cream
5 cl cream
7.5 cl cream
1 dl cream
1,25 dl cream
1.5 dl cream
1.75 dl cream
2 dl cream
2.25 dl cream
2.5 dl cream
1 apricot, dried
2 apricots, dried
3 apricots, dried
4 apricots, dried
5 apricots, dried
6 apricots, dried
7 apricots, dried
8 apricots, dried
9 abrikozen, gedroogd
10 apricots, dried
1.25 raspberries
2.5 raspberries
3.75 raspberries
5 raspberries
6.25 raspberries
7.5 raspberries
8.75 raspberries
10 raspberries
11.25 raspberries
12.5 raspberries

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About this recipe

This is probably my most romantic dessert, particularly delicious and subtle in flavor.

You can read the full recipe on page 182 from Echt Eten

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Echt Eten

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