Sesame crackers with chocolate
Preparation: 30 min.

Ingredients for

30 g sesame seeds, toasted
60 g sesame seeds, toasted
90 g sesame seeds, toasted
120 g sesame seeds, toasted
150 g sesame seeds, toasted
180 g sesame seeds, toasted
210 g sesame seeds, toasted
240 g sesame seeds, toasted
270 g sesame seeds, toasted
300 g sesame seeds, toasted
1.5 tablespoons honey, liquid
3 tablespoons of honey, liquid
4.5 tablespoons of honey, liquid
6 tablespoons of honey, liquid
7.5 tablespoons of honey, liquid
9 tablespoons of honey, liquid
10.5 tablespoons of honey, liquid
12 tablespoons of honey, liquid
13.5 tablespoons of honey, liquid
15 tablespoons of honey, liquid
50 g chocolate, 70%
100 g chocolate, 70%
150 g chocolate, 70%
200 g chocolate, 70%
250 g chocolate, 70%
300 g chocolate, 70%
350 g chocolate, 70%
400 g chocolate, 70%
450 g chocolate, 70%
500 g chocolate, 70%

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Beautiful, easy to make and irresistibly delicious! A delicious treat with coffee.

You can read the full recipe on page 204 from Ik eet zo graag 2

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Ik eet zo graag 2

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