Ingredients for

0.5 lobster, cooked
1 lobster, cooked
1.5 lobster, cooked
2 lobster, cooked
2.5 lobster, cooked
3 lobster, cooked
3.5 lobster, cooked
4 lobster, cooked
4.5 lobster, cooked
5 lobster, cooked
1 shallot
2 shallots
3 shallots
4 shallots
5 shallots
6 shallots
7 sjalotten
8 shallots
9 shallots
10 shallots
2.5 cherry tomatoes
5 cherry tomatoes
7.5 cherry tomatoes
10 cherry tomatoes
12.5 cherry tomatoes
15 cherry tomatoes
17.5 cherry tomatoes
20 cherry tomatoes
22.5 cherry tomatoes
25 cherry tomatoes
0.5 lime
1 lime
1.5 limes
2 limes
2.5 limes
3 limes
3.5 limes
4 limes
4.5 limes
5 limes
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
olive oil
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel
fleur de sel

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About this recipe

Without tinkering!

You can read the full recipe on page 63 from Mijn Pure Keuken 1

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This is a recipe from

Mijn Pure Keuken 1

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