Quick tarte tatin with oatmeal
Preparation: 28 min.
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2 apples
100 g oatmeal
200 g coconut milk
1 egg

Need: small oven-proof pan about 18 cm in diameter

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Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Cut the apples into crescents. Heat a generous knob of butter in the pan and arrange the apples nicely in it (see tip). Let the apples bake gently for 3 minutes without stirring. Meanwhile, blend the oatmeal, coconut milk and egg in a blender to make a thick sauce; think of the consistency of thick yogurt. If the sauce is too thick, add some water. If it is too runny, add some extra oatmeal.
Pour the sauce over the apples (they don't have to be fully cooked yet) and continue cooking on the stove for about 2 minutes. Then place the pan in the hot oven and bake until the dough is completely dry (about 10 minutes). Remove the pan from the oven and let cool a bit before flipping the tarte tatin. To do this, place a plate on top of the pan and flip in one go. Be careful that no hot fat drips out and you don't burn yourself.

Place the tarte tatin on the table like a tart. Serve with whole yogurt, if desired. Enjoy your breakfast!

"This breakfast is pure indulgence. Add no sugar and enjoy the natural sweetness of the apples and oatmeal."

The idea is to arrange the apple slices in a pretty fan. But if you have little time, omit the pretty arrangement and cut the apples as you wish. Put them in the pan with the hot butter and fry them half-cooked. Stir occasionally.

This tarte tatin without sugar is suitable for breakfast. If you add sugar, you turn it into a dessert. Keeping your breakfast sugar-free is a good habit, as is being sparing with honey (which is also a sugar). Taste the pure sweetness of the apples and oatmeal.
