Spinach nests with mozzarella (keto)
Preparation: 30 min.

Ingredients for

200 g spinach
400 g spinach
600 g of spinach
800 g of spinach
1 kg of spinach
1.2 kg of spinach
1.4 kg of spinach
1.6 kg of spinach
1.8 kg of spinach
2 kg of spinach
0.5 ball of mozzarella
1 ball of mozzarella
1.5 balls of mozzarella
2 bulbs of mozzarella
2.5 balls of mozzarella
3 bulbs of mozzarella
3.5 balls of mozzarella
4 balls of mozzarella
4.5 balls of mozzarella
5 bulbs of mozzarella
20 g pine nuts
40 g pine nuts
60 g pine nuts
80 g pine nuts
100 g pine nuts
120 g pine nuts
140 g pine nuts
160 g pine nuts
180 g pine nuts
200 g pine nuts
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder
turmeric powder

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About this recipe

Delicious and pleasing to the eye. Ideal as a side dish or as a light lunch with a salad.

You can read the full recipe on page 194 from Ketokuur - Een nieuw leven in 14 dagen

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This is a recipe from

Ketokuur - Een nieuw leven in 14 dagen

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