Tartare of red fruits with sorbet of cucumber and mint
Preparation: 55 min.

Tartare of red fruits with sorbet of cucumber and mint

From Puur & Lichter

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Ingredients for

0.25 vanilla pod
0.5 vanilla pod
0.75 vanilla pod
1 vanilla pod
1.25 vanilla pods
1.5 vanilla pods
1.75 vanilla pods
2 vanilla pods
2.25 vanilla pods
2.5 vanilla pods
2.5 strawberries
5 strawberries
7.5 strawberries
10 strawberries
12.5 strawberries
15 strawberries
17.5 strawberries
20 strawberries
22.5 strawberries
25 strawberries
0.5 apple, jonagold
1 apple, jonagold
1.5 apples, jonagold
2 apples, jonagold
2.5 apples, jonagold
3 apples, jonagold
3.5 apples, jonagold
4 apples, jonagold
4.5 apples, jonagold
5 apples, jonagold
5 raspberries
10 raspberries
15 raspberries
20 raspberries
25 raspberries
30 raspberries
35 raspberries
40 raspberries
45 raspberries
50 raspberries
0.25 cucumber
0,5 komkommer
0.75 cucumber
1 cucumber
1.25 cucumbers
1.5 cucumbers
1.75 cucumbers
2 cucumbers
2.25 cucumbers
2.5 cucumbers
0.25 lime
0.5 lime
0.75 lime
1 lime
1.25 limes
1.5 limes
1.75 limes
2 limes
2.25 limes
2.5 limes
1 sprig of mint
2 sprigs of mint
3 sprigs of mint
4 sprigs of mint
5 sprigs of mint
6 sprigs of mint
7 sprigs of mint
8 sprigs of mint
9 sprigs of mint
10 sprigs of mint
10 berries, black
20 berries, black
30 berries, black
40 berries, black
50 berries, black
60 berries, black
70 berries, black
80 berries, black
90 berries, black
100 berries, black

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Delicious summer dessert.

You can read the full recipe on page 216 from Puur & Lichter

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Puur & Lichter

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