Salmon with a thyme crust, tomatoes and green asparagus in the oven (keto)
Preparation: 30 min.

Salmon with a thyme crust, tomatoes and green asparagus in the oven (keto)

From Puur Genieten 2

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Ingredients for

200 g salmon fillets
400 g salmon fillets
600 g salmon fillets
800 g salmon fillets
1 kg salmon fillet
1.2 kg salmon fillets
1.4 kg salmon fillets
1.6 kg salmon fillets
1.8 kg salmon fillets
2 kg salmon fillets
0.5 bundle of asparagus, green
1 bundle of asparagus, green
1.5 bundles of asparagus, green
2 bundles of asparagus, green
2.5 bundles of asparagus, green
3 bundles of asparagus, green
3.5 bundles of asparagus, green
4 bundles of asparagus, green
4.5 bundles of asparagus, green
5 bundles of asparagus, green
7.5 cherry tomatoes
15 cherry tomatoes
22.5 cherry tomatoes
30 cherry tomatoes
37.5 cherry tomatoes
45 cherry tomatoes
52.5 cherry tomatoes
60 cherry tomatoes
67.5 cherry tomatoes
75 cherry tomatoes
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
cumin seeds
0.5 handful of pine nuts
1 handful of pine nuts
1.5 handfuls of pine nuts
2 handfuls of pine nuts
2.5 handfuls of pine nuts
3 handfuls of pine nuts
3.5 handfuls of pine nuts
4 handfuls of pine nuts
4.5 handfuls of pine nuts
5 handfuls of pine nuts

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About this recipe

Little work and still very tasty!

You can read the full recipe on page 90 from Puur Genieten 2

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Puur Genieten 2

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