Salmon with salad of peas and garlic
Preparation: 35 min.

Salmon with salad of peas and garlic

From Puur Pascale

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Ingredients for

200 g salmon fillets
400 g salmon fillets
600 g salmon fillets
800 g salmon fillets
1 kg salmon fillet
1.2 kg salmon fillets
1.4 kg salmon fillets
1.6 kg salmon fillets
1.8 kg salmon fillets
2 kg salmon fillets
250 g peas
500 g peas
750 g peas
1 kg peas
1.25 kg of peas
1.5 kg of peas
1.75 kg of peas
2 kg peas
2.25 kg of peas
2.5 kg of peas
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
1 bulb of garlic
2 bulbs of garlic
3 bulbs of garlic
4 bulbs of garlic
5 bulbs of garlic
6 bulbs of garlic
7 bulbs of garlic
8 bulbs of garlic
9 bulbs of garlic
10 bulbs of garlic
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
tijm, gedroogd
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
thyme, dried
0.5 onion, white
1 onion, white
1.5 onions, white
2 onions, white
2.5 onions, white
3 onions, white
3.5 onions, white
4 onions, white
4.5 onions, white
5 onions, white

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About this recipe

You may be thinking: too much garlic! But cooked garlic tastes totally different, rather sweet. You really should try this.

You can read the full recipe on page 140 from Puur Pascale

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