Sunny citrus salt
Preparation: 45 min.

Sunny citrus salt

From Super Simpel

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Ingredients for

4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
4 lemons, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limoenen, bio
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
3 limes, organic
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
4 teaspoons thyme, dried
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel
5 tablespoons fleur de sel

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About this recipe

I almost always use this sunny citrus salt to finish my dishes.

You can read the full recipe on page 43 from Super Simpel

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Super Simpel

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