What makes the good life? - Ted Talk Robert Waldinger

What makes the good life? - Ted Talk Robert Waldinger

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This page links to an excerpt from the book "Go Pure Journal

What really makes you happy?

What would really make you happy? Many think "money," others "having success," but really this is a rhetorical question. Unfortunately, we cannot see into the future. Much more interesting would be to ask people at the end of their lives what has made you happy?

Well that study was conducted by Harvard. Since 1938, the university has been following a large group of then young people. They were followed throughout their lives regarding their life choices, relationships, health and well-being. The research has produced surprising publications related to happiness, health and longevity. The research is still ongoing, meanwhile the children and grandchildren of the first participants are being studied.

What really makes you happy?
A TED talk that everyone should see

Want to know what really makes people happy? Then watch Robert Waldinger's TED talk. He is one of the researchers of The Grant Study and reports. A TED talk that everyone should see.