Chocolate Cheesecake
Preparation: 55 min.
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About this recipe

This cheesecake is improbably delicious and easy to make.

Ingredients for

200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
200 g chocolate, 85% cocoa
4 eggs
4 eggs
4 eggs
4 eggs
4 eggs
4 eggs
4 eggs
8 eggs
8 eggs
8 eggs
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
75 g coconut flour
150 g coconut flour
150 g coconut flour
150 g coconut flour
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
50 g coconut blossom sugar
100 g coconut blossom sugar
100 g coconut blossom sugar
100 g coconut blossom sugar
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
400 g mascarpone
800 g mascarpone
800 g mascarpone
800 g mascarpone

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Coarsely chop the chocolate or use chocolate callets. Beat the mascarpone until fluffy. Mix the eggs with the sugar, mix in the coconut flour, then the mascarpone and finally the coarsely chopped chocolate. Place the buttered paper in an ovenproof dish and pour in the batter.

Put the chocolate cheesecake in a warm oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes, or until you can stick a fork in it that still comes out moist but no batter sticks to it. Let the cake cool before slicing (if you can). Serve with some blueberries, if desired.

"This chocolate cheesecake is smooth, creamy, full of flavor and totally rewards the chocolate lover."

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