Delicious nut-cheese bread with olive oil and Provencal herbs (keto)
Preparation: 55 min.

Delicious nut-cheese bread with olive oil and Provencal herbs (keto)

From Ketokuur 2 - Een nieuw leven in 14 dagen

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About this recipe

This bread is delicious and ideal to take for lunch. You eat it like this or can top it with extra cheese or whatever you like.

Ingredients for

100 g almond flour
200 g almond flour
300 g almond flour
400 g almond flour
500 g almond flour
600 g almond flour
700 g almond flour
800 g almond flour
900 g almond flour
1 kg almond flour
100 g emmentaler, grated
200 g emmentaler, grated
300 g emmentaler, grated
400 g emmentaler, grated
500 g emmentaler, grated
600 g emmentaler, grated
700 g emmentaler, grated
800 g emmentaler, grated
900 g emmentaler, grated
1 kg emmentaler, grated
30 g mascarpone
60 g mascarpone
90 g mascarpone
120 g mascarpone
150 g mascarpone
180 g mascarpone
210 g mascarpone
240 g mascarpone
270 g mascarpone
300 g mascarpone
1 egg
2 eggs
3 eggs
4 eggs
5 eggs
6 eggs
7 eggs
8 eggs
9 eggs
10 eggs
0.5 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
1.5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
2 teaspoons sodium bicarbonate
2.5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
3 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
3.5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
4 teaspoons sodium bicarbonate
4.5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
5 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal
herbs, provencal

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Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Mix the nut flour with the sodium bicarbonate, season with pepper and a little salt, and add the Provencal herbs. Mix in the mascarpone and eggs.
Knead the cheese into the nut flour.
Shape the dough into an oval 1.5 centimeters thick. Cut crosswise notches in it and brush with a good amount of olive oil. Season additionally with Provencal herbs and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

Tip: large portion
This breakfast provides 4 servings, so you can also eat the bread the next day.

Tip: hot or cold
This cheese bread is best when lukewarm. My advice is to make a larger portion of it. You can store it for up to 3 days in the refrigerator or longer in the freezer. Either way, put it in the oven for a while before serving. That way you'll have a delicious breakfast in no time. You can top it with cheese or something else if you like, but it's tasty as is.

Tip: almond flour
Some are a little tired of the typical taste of almonds, and if you don't like the taste, that's quite understandable. But know that you can always replace almonds with other nuts; hazelnuts, for example, are also very tasty. Grind them yourself or buy them ground.

Tip: sodium bicarbonate
I prefer to use sodium bicarbonate, which is a component of baking powder. It is a pure product to which you just need to add an acid such as cider vinegar, yogurt or buttermilk (contain lactic acid), lemon or lime juice, cocoa, egg whites ... to get the same result as baking powder. One spoonful of sodium bicarbonate is roughly equivalent to three spoonfuls of baking powder.

"This nut-cheese bread is delicious. Also ideal to take for lunch. You eat it like this or can top it with extra cheese or whatever you like."

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