Minced meat with tomato sauce, onion and shaved almonds
Preparation: 25 min.

Minced meat with tomato sauce, onion and shaved almonds

From Nog eenvoudiger

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Ingredients for

ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
ras el hanout
10 g almonds, shaved
20 g almonds, shaved
30 g almonds, shaved
40 g almonds, shaved
50 g almonds, shaved
60 g almonds, shaved
70 g almonds, shaved
80 g almonds, shaved
90 g almonds, shaved
100 g almonds, shaved
200 g chicken mince
400 g minced chicken
600 g chicken mince
800 g minced chicken
1 kg chicken mince
1.2 kg chicken mince
1.4 kg chicken mince
1.6 kg of minced chicken
1.8 kg of minced chicken
2 kg chicken mince
2.5 tomatoes
5 tomatoes
7.5 tomatoes
10 tomatoes
12.5 tomatoes
15 tomatoes
17.5 tomatoes
20 tomatoes
22.5 tomatoes
25 tomatoes
1 onion
2 onions
3 onions
4 onions
5 onions
6 onions
7 onions
8 onions
9 onions
10 onions

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About this recipe

It is unlikely what delicious flavor combinations you can achieve with so few ingredients.

You can read the full recipe on page 117 from Nog eenvoudiger

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This is a recipe from

Nog eenvoudiger

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