Nut-seed crackers with mackerel rillette (keto)
Preparation: 30 min.

Ingredients for

25 g linseed
50 g linseed
75 g linseed
100 g linseed
125 g linseed
150 g linseed
175 g linseed
200 g linseed
225 g linseed
250 g linseed
25 g hazelnuts
50 g hazelnuts
75 g hazelnuts
100 g hazelnuts
125 g hazelnuts
150 g hazelnuts
175 g hazelnuts
200 g hazelnuts
225 g hazelnuts
250 g hazelnuts
0.5 protein
1 protein
1.5 proteins
2 proteins
2.5 proteins
3 proteins
3.5 proteins
4 proteins
4.5 proteins
5 proteins
50 g mackerel fillets, smoked
100 g mackerel fillets, smoked
150 g mackerel fillets, smoked
200 g mackerel fillets, smoked
250 g mackerel fillets, smoked
300 g mackerel fillets, smoked
350 g mackerel fillets, smoked
400 g mackerel fillets, smoked
450 g mackerel fillets, smoked
500 g mackerel fillets, smoked
0.5 shallot
1 shallot
1.5 shallots
2 shallots
2.5 shallots
3 shallots
3.5 shallots
4 shallots
4.5 shallots
5 shallots
1 spring onion
2 spring onions
3 spring onions
4 spring onions
5 spring onions
6 spring onions
7 spring onions
8 spring onions
9 spring onions
10 spring onions

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About this recipe

Mackerel is creamy by itself and does not need many additives, some shallot and spring onion will suffice and you get a delicious cracker.

You can read the full recipe on page 172 from Ketokuur 2 - Een nieuw leven in 14 dagen

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This is a recipe from

Ketokuur 2 - Een nieuw leven in 14 dagen

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