Omelet with zucchini and beet
Preparation: 40 min.
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About this recipe

Actually, this is just a glorified omelet.

Ingredients for

0.5 beet, cooked
1 red beet, cooked
1.5 beet, cooked
2 red beet, cooked
2.5 beet, cooked
3 red beet, cooked
3.5 beet, cooked
4 red beet, cooked
4.5 beet, cooked
5 rode biet, gekookt
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
mixed fresh herbs
0.5 zucchini
1 zucchini
1.5 zucchini
2 zucchinis
2.5 zucchini
3 zucchinis
3.5 zucchini
4 zucchinis
4.5 zucchini
5 zucchinis
2 eggs
4 eggs
6 eggs
8 eggs
10 eggs
12 eggs
14 eggs
16 eggs
18 eggs
20 eggs
1 clove of garlic
2 cloves of garlic
3 cloves of garlic
4 cloves of garlic
5 cloves of garlic
6 cloves of garlic
7 cloves of garlic
8 cloves of garlic
9 cloves of garlic
10 cloves of garlic

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1. Choose nice dishes that can go in the oven or a large dish and cover with baking paper. Chop the garlic and herbs and whisk them under the eggs, along with a generous splash of olive oil or toasted sesame oil. Season with salt and firmly some pepper. Pour the egg mixture into the shells.

2. Dice the cooked beet and slice the zucchini with a peeler. Take several zucchini slices together, curl them randomly and place them upright in the egg mixture. Add a few more slices here and there, if necessary, until everything is nicely filled. Tuck the diced beets between the slices.

3. Pour a little olive oil over them and put the dishes in a hot oven at 180 °C. After 25 minutes, check if the egg has solidified in the middle. If not, leave the omelet in the oven for a while longer.



I really like an omelet with vegetables, but usually they look so boring. This one, on the other hand, really invites to be eaten. Zucchini and beet make a wonderful combination with egg in terms of colors and flavors, but you can also add other vegetable bits. Onions and mushrooms are best pre-cooked. An omelet may be well seasoned. Another tip is to use toasted sesame oil, delicious.

"Actually, this is just a glorified omelet."

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