Savoury pie with feta and tomatoes (keto)
Preparation: 55 min.
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About this recipe

It is a pleasure to prepare this savory pie. You can prepare them ahead of time so you can enjoy them at the table.

Ingredients for

12.5 g linseed
25 g linseed
37.5 g linseed
50 g linseed
62.5 g linseed
75 g linseed
87.5 g linseed
100 g linseed
112.5 g linseed
125 g linseed
5 g sesamzaadjes, geroosterd
10 g sesame seeds, toasted
15 g sesame seeds, toasted
20 g sesame seeds, toasted
25 g sesame seeds, toasted
30 g sesame seeds, toasted
35 g sesame seeds, toasted
40 g sesame seeds, toasted
45 g sesame seeds, toasted
50 g sesame seeds, toasted
50 g almond flour
100 g almond flour
150 g almond flour
200 g almond flour
250 g amandelmeel
300 g almond flour
350 g almond flour
400 g almond flour
450 g almond flour
500 g almond flour
0.75 egg
1.5 eggs
2.25 eggs
3 eggs
3.75 eggs
4.5 eggs
5.25 eggs
6 eggs
6.75 eggs
7.5 eggs
12.5 g butter
25 g butter
37.5 g butter
50 g butter
62.5 g butter
75 g butter
87.5 g butter
100 g butter
112.5 g butter
125 g butter
0.5 tablespoon of thyme, dried
1 tablespoon of thyme, dried
1.5 tablespoons thyme, dried
2 tablespoons thyme, dried
2.5 tablespoons thyme, dried
3 tablespoons of thyme, dried
3.5 tablespoons thyme, dried
4 tablespoons of thyme, dried
4.5 tablespoons thyme, dried
5 tablespoons of thyme, dried
62.5 g cherry tomatoes
125 g cherry tomatoes
187.5 g cherry tomatoes
250 g cherry tomatoes
312.5 g cherry tomatoes
375 g cherry tomatoes
437.5 g cherry tomatoes
500 g cherry tomatoes
562.5 g cherry tomatoes
625 g cherry tomatoes
50 g feta cheese
100 g feta cheese
150 g feta cheese
200 g feta cheese
250 g feta cheese
300 g feta cheese
350 g feta cheese
400 g feta cheese
450 g feta cheese
500 g feta cheese
25 g cream, full
50 g cream, full
75 g cream, full
100 g cream, full
125 g cream, full
150 g cream, full
175 g cream, full
200 g cream, full
225 g cream, full
250 g cream, full

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Make the bottom
Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Melt the butter. Coarsely chop the flaxseed. Combine all the ingredients for the bottom, season with salt and pepper and knead everything together. Butter the cake pan and sprinkle with some almonds. Take two sheets of baking paper and roll out the dough between them to about the size of the pie pan. Remove the top sheet, turn the dough over and place the dough in the pie pan. Don't panic if the dough cracks a bit; you can easily fix that. Push the dough well against the edges, remove what is too much and use the excess to repair cracks or to thicken the wall where it is too thin. Prick holes in the bottom with a fork and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Make the filling
First whip the cream in a blender, then add half of the feta (100 grams) and blend until thick. Mix in the egg. Season with black pepper.
Remove the bottom from the oven and let it cool a bit first. Meanwhile, halve the tomatoes.
Carefully remove the pie bottom from the pie pan so that it does not break.
Fill the pie bottom with the cheese sauce. Crumble the rest of the feta over it and push in the tomatoes, cut side up. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. Pour some olive oil over them in a thin stream and put the pie without pie form in the oven for another 25 minutes.

'The cooked broccoli is simmered and pureed into a creamy, flavorful puree.'

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