Pure & Simple

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Product details

Afwerking: Hardback
Aantal pagina’s: 208
Afmetingen: 238×187
Verschijningsdatum: 04/04/2017
EAN: 9781419726170
Uitgever: Abrams Books

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"Forget calories, focus on food quality, and let your body do the rest! Pascale Naessens shows how to put this prescription into practice with delicious recipes in her beautiful book Pure & Simple." — David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD, author of 'Always Hungry'

A natural food way of life

In Pure & Simple, Pascale Naessens shares her method for staying happy, healthy, and slim, with more than 60 recipes. She recommends a lifestyle that embraces only natural, unprocessed foods, but she is not advocating for a diet dominated by restrictions. Instead she celebrates delicious meals, pleasure, and health.

Her approach has only one rule—no carbohydrates with protein. So, you can eat anything you want, but not together. She works with a basic series of food combinations: meat or fish + vegetables; carbohydrates + vegetables; or dairy + vegetables. And her mouthwatering recipes for appetizers, mains, and desserts make adopting this eating style entirely uncomplicated. You don’t need to count calories or restrict portion sizes. If you are overweight, you will lose the extra pounds.

You will cook delicious food simply and easily. You can drink wine. You will be satisfied. And you will enjoy your food with relish.

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Weinig werk en ten volle genieten van lekker eten. Laat mij je inspireren.

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Pure & Simple

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